Building a Knowledge Management Reference Model with a Semantic Single Source of Truth (SSOT)
Harmonization and Knowledge Management with a Semantic Single Source of Truth (SSOT)
After discussing the challenges of managing large amounts of data and presenting semantic mapping as a possible solution in our previous article [ ], we now present a reference model for a graph database.
Source data is always in the context of its respective domain models and thus also in the context of its domain-specific terminology. The art of mapping the primary data sources to a reference model is: on the one hand, to map classes, instances, and properties of the domain models as completely as possible to the reference model - taking into account possible relationships and dependencies among each other - and on the other hand, the greatest possible reuse of classes and properties already existing in the reference model. The latter can become a challenge with extensive ontologies.
If additional data sources are to be integrated into an existing SSOT, ideally the reference model is first semantically meaningfully extended and then the mapping is built on top of it. If new classes or properties need to be created and integrated into the structure of the reference model, they should always be clearly defined and documented immediately and any equivalence with other entities should be specified to avoid ambiguities from the beginning. The more ambiguities occur in a reference model, the less effective it is in terms of harmonization.
Author: Alexander Schulze, first published October 2019, translation and editorial work by Ashesh Goplani , thanks for your contribution!
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